Estate Duty in Hong Kong

Estate Duty in Hong Kong

Estate duty is a type of tax levied on the transfer of wealth after a person's deceased. Hong Kong has no estate duty responsibility, since it was abolished in 2006.

Historical Context

During the colonial period, estate duty was implemented in Hong Kong as a way for the government to raise funds. It applied to the estates of deceased individuals, including their real property, assets, and other forms of wealth. The duty was levied at different rates based on the value of the estate.

Why Hong Kong abolished the Estate Duty?

In an effort to make the city more competitive and desirable as a financial hub, the Hong Kong government eliminated estate duty in 2006. The action was also designed to promote monetary growth and financial involvement in the local economy. The elimination of estate duty is in line with the low-tax environment and free-market tenets of Hong Kong.

Is Estate Duty still Charged?

Hong Kong does not now charge estate duty on the transfer of assets upon death. It follows that individuals who pass away in Hong Kong do not have to pay estate taxes on their estates.

Planning Considerations

Although Hong Kong does not have estate duty, people are nevertheless encouraged to plan their futures in order to make sure their money is managed and distributed in accordance with their will. Estate planning involves creating wills, establishing trusts, and making provisions for the seamless transfer of assets to beneficiaries.

What is a Trust?

A trust structure is a wise approach to make future plans, particularly for transferring your possessions. It's similar to building a safety box for your possessions. You (the grantor) designate the trustee to look after your assets, and you put your assets in this trust. This may be assets like cash, real estate, or investments. Additionally, you determine who should be the beneficiary and when they should receive the assets. Trusts are frequently utilised for tasks like preparing an inheritance or caring for loved ones. Even if you are no longer around to manage them, they make sure your assets go where you want them to.


The elimination of estate duty in Hong Kong has significantly contributed to the city's development as a major financial hub with a favourable tax environment. For individuals and families wishing to manage and maintain their money while taking advantage of a business-friendly and tax-efficient environment, the absence of estate duty liability has made the city appealing.

For tailored guidance on estate planning or to simply have more information about it, reach out to our team.

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